
Slow down, you move to fast. You've got to make the morning last. Just kickin down the cobblestones. Looking for fun and...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Second Year = Final Year

Next week my summer employment ends and my short vacation begins. I will spend two lovely (hoepfully lovely anyway) weeks on the East Coast at home with my fiance, my mother, my friends, and will be meeting my honorary nephew for the first time. I hope to get to NYC for some fun and hopefully a show, and then two short weeks later, I fly back to California for a very brief week of prep and then the beginning of the SECOND YEAR OF GRAD SCHOOL. And for this MFA student, the FINAL YEAR.

I am very excited about the upcoming year. I have so much to do and three ten-week quarters to do it in. And at the end, a Master's Degree (I think that Masters' should be like Doctors - you should get the title added to your name). This is almost a terrifying prospect - the work, not the degree. I will be designing three practical's (actual shows) - one per quarter - working on my thesis project (a very large paper project - a complete design for The Threepenny Opera), and completing the rest of the coursework (includes at least two paper projects per quarter). It may not sound like much to some of you, but its a lot - for instance one regular paper project means 12-15 completed costume renderings, plus fabric swatches, plus research, plus a concept statement to tie them all together. And my thesis - its the same only for every costume int he whole show, plus a larger quantity of research and a much longer more in depth concept statement. And each show I work on will require the same.

I had intended this blog to follow me as I navigate grad school, though obviously if I am going into my second year and this is pretty much the first mention of actually being at grad school, I haven't done a very good job. I wonder if I can manage to actually keep up with it this year?

Don't get your hopes up...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Can I claim "too busy" again?

Since its only been almost two months.

I am a slacker I know.

Well I am going to grad school. UC Davis. I start in the fall and I am so excited and terrified.

its a huge move to go all the way across the country, but at least I can bring the cat. actuallythat was a stipulation for where I would find a place to live.

Maybe when I am done, I can actually clain my costume guru status righteously...

Not too much other news. I am going to work on my very first paying costume gig, and I am working on my first commissioned seamstress piece, so its a good year for personal growth.

I havent quite figured out when/how to tell my company that I am leaving. I really like them and am sad abotu leaving but grad school is something I need to do for me. Iam sure they will understand, but still they have been great.

I hope to post more regularly, and once school starts, I plan to use this blog as my school update blog. with lots of talk of costume stuff.... well maybe... I am the "costume guru" after all

Thursday, March 6, 2008

On my way to Guru status

So I have not posted on this blog in a long time. That is due partially to my busy schedule, and partially to the fact that I was - in a way - clocked from accessing the site...

anyway, here is the postage due.

I posted in August of last year that I had made a major decision in my life and that was to stop the forward (yes its forward,albeit slow and windy) progression in the Government Contracting/Industrial Security world and find a new direction. Well I suppose I didn't need to "find" it per se, just actual take the bridge to the new path. I knew where it was the whole time and I watched it wistfully. Now I am on it.

Why, do you ask? well that is because I received my first acceptance letter to grad school. I am no longer "applying" to grad school, nope I am "going" to grad school. I still have four schools to hear from (one of which probably needs to get my portfolio before the can make a decision - note to self send it out Monday!), but even if I only have one to choose from, its still an option.

So this fall, I quit being part of the work force, and I go back to school and become a student again. I am superbly excited.

Hopefully the deity(ies) will smile on me and I will get some sort of teaching/research assistantship/ scholarship, or other moolah. I would not mind teaching undergrads to be passionate about costume history.

And I will be on my way to Costume Guru status - as my blog so claims I am.

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Follow Up

This article is fascinating to me


I had fully expected my older brother to comment on the last one, and he must be just slacking off to not have had any comments whatsoever. I am hoping he will read and comment on this one as I would love to know his insights.

The premise behind this article is that this "war of ideas" is not separate from war. It is the catalyst and basis behind any war. Physical war comes out of different ideological opinions. War is the physical manifestation that occurs when intolerance of another's (another meaning an individual or a culture) beliefs. The author states that "peace" can only come if we all learn to tolerate the ideas of others.

What I take from this is the emphasis on respect for others. Respect for their religious beliefs, their social beliefs, their way of life, their ideology. Until we can fully respect the differences between individuals and cultures, we will always have war.

But we are human. Will we ever really respect the differences of others? Can any one culture NOT try and project and expand their own into others'? Can any religion not try and convert others when most religious dogmas preach that as a fundamental mission? Is it possible to achieve a world of repect and tolerance? I would like to think that humanity can achieve that, but maybe thats the glass-half-full personality talking.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The War of Ideas - and why we are losing it

Check out this article


This article basically states that insurgents are taking events and quickly turning them around and putting out information globally to discredit the U.S. and make our troops look like the bad guys. And apparently, we in the U.S., the land of bureaucratic BS, are not responding quickly enough. We are unable to counter all of the anti-U.S. messages timely enough to make any difference in the world. We are unable to reach the moderate masses quickly enough to convince them that we are doing the right thing. Instead the "enemy" is one-upping us.

Our guys always seem to be talking about and giving testimony ABOUT the so called "War of Ideas", but I see very little action occurring from our side. We keep saying that they are getting to the issues first, but what do we do? We let the news media spread the word that the insurgents were lying about a location, or fudging other facts. But really it comes down to the first guy saying "this is how it is" and then whoever is left to yell "he's lying!".

All I can think of is two kids playing - Kid 1 hits Kid 2, so Kid 2 hits back. Kid 1 goes crying to the teacher, and when Kid 2 says, "but he hit me first", who does the teacher sympathise with? The kid who is crying!

I doubt that whomever took that video and posted it - lies or not - did not have to go through some high ranking congressional types or General-equivalents at their equivalent of the DoD or State Department. And I doubt there was a long discussion on the matter either. So while our guys are busy giving congressional testimony about how we need to take part in this ideological war, their guys are busy actually fighting the war.

Monday, August 20, 2007

From my LJ

I am the plenipotentiary* of my life

I have control over it.

Why then does it feel like I don't at times? Like other people are making decisions for me? Like I am relegated to a certain path not because I choose it but rather because someone has put up barriers to keep me there.

Well I tell you I am done with that. Give me a sledge hammer.

This work thing is lasting only a year more. Thats it, I wontbe able to take it any longer than that. Why even that long, well I am going to go to grad school. I am going to take steps to do what I really want. And that wont be until next fall. So that means work will last another year and then I am so out of the chairborn rangers (or desk jockey for those who have no military influences) and I am going to do it. Nothing to say I cant go back to a desk job if the need arises, but fuck the desk, I want to create.
I have been mulling the idea over and doing some research the past few days, and anything that has this much thought given to it must be the right path to take. So thats it. Decision made.

Now I just have to hope that I get accepted somewhere....

*plenipotentiary: invested with full power.
1. A person invested with full power to transact any business; especially, an ambassador or diplomatic agent with full power to negotiate a treaty or to transact other business.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

From the White House News Summary:

In 13-Year-Old Interview, Cheney Says Iraq Invasion Would Be “Quagmire.” CNN’s Situation Room (8/13, King) reported, “In a 13-year-old interview now surfacing on YouTube,” Vice President Cheney “said that invading Iraq war would lead to a quagmire. The video now has almost a quarter-million views.” CNN (Tatton) added, “This is Dick Cheney in 1994 on the risks involved in going into Baghdad. Watch the clip now in the context of 2007 and you will see why it's one of the hottest videos on YouTube.” Asked if US or UN forces should have moved in Baghdad during the first Gulf War, Cheney responded, “No,” noting that “once you got to Iraq and took it over, and took down Saddam Hussein's government, then what are you going to put in its place? … It’s a quagmire if you go that far and try to take over Iraq.”

Ain't that a kick in the head!

Not that Cheney ever answers for any of his words or actions, but I wonder what he would say if he had the inclination to respond.

On another note, however, that was 13 years ago. The world has changed, and we cannot expect people to act in the way we would have expected them to act 13 years ago. Just because the situation turned out to be exactly what Cheney said it would 13 years ago, does not mean that we should have expected. it.

Just saying that's all.